Tri Tower records
Tre 7 Bio
How can we really put Tre 7 into words? Something like a smooth blend of artistry Hip-Hop with a sharp edge. These three emcees’ come together to form an incredibly unique Hip-Hop flavor from NC. Tre 7 has a variety of skills in their arsenal. They have something for everybody including the kids. Everybody from the ladies to the fellas can enjoy Tre 7’s vibe. These three experienced emcees are SLickE FaTTx, J Ski, and Bones J. All three emcees have a unique style but share the same mentality for musical concepts. You have J Ski the smooth, melodic emcee. SLickE FaTTx is smooth and grimy, he is like the median in the triangle. Then you have Bones J with his booming voice and his sharp wit that comes across in his rhymes. J Ski also provides vocals the group needs, and he dabbles on the boards too. The difference of this, true to the form, hip hop unit is to make music that you can always go back and listen to repeatedly. In other words, timeless art that can be appreciated decades down the line. Contraband, the group’s first album, can be found on SoundCloud and ReverbNation. Tre 7 is in the studio and new music will be dropping soon.
tri tower inc

Jimmy is the CEO, part owner of Tri Tower, Inc. He currently works out of Raleigh, NC and is originally from Henderson, NC. He brings over 10 years of managerial experience to the company, in addition to his vast musical background. He oversees every aspect of Tri Tower, Inc. When he needs to detach from business, he enjoys attending an ACC football game or checking out his favorite team, the Panthers, play. He is a skilled drum player and finds enjoyment in playing the drums at functions. One of his favorite quotes is, “time waits for no man.” Meaning, time will pass you by if you just sit around doing nothing. It’s this quote that motivates him on a daily basis to invest as much time and energy as he does into Tri Tower, Inc. A goal he has for the company is for it to become a Fortune 500 company in ten years and to make Tri Tower, Inc. as successful as possible through hard work, dedication to the brand and great music. Having key people in place that are proficient in their expertise will align the company with all of the other record companies in the industry.

Marcus is the co-founder of Tri Tower Inc. He currently works out of Raleigh, NC and is originally from South E. Raleigh. He is the head of artist development and brings over 11 years of experience in this area. When he needs to detach from business, he enjoys watching his favorite team, UNC play. He is a huge dog lover and enjoys spending time with his Italian Masters. His favorite mantra is, “It is, what it is, until it ain’t."

Will is Tri Tower, Inc.’s marketing director. He brings approximately 10 years of experience and innovated ideas to his role. He was born and raised in Raleigh, NC. He has his ears close to the hip hop streets and brings forth different ways to expand the artist and company’s branding through various platforms. He is committed to innovation and artistry growth. In his downtime, in addition to spending quality time with his family, he heavily enjoys watching Battle Rap. He enjoys watching when Ave and Brizz Rawsteen perform. He is an avid Steelers, Charlotte Hornets and Blue Devils fan. His favorite quote by Steve Harvey is, “I aim for stuff so big, that the dream is bigger than the fear." His future goals for the company include having at least two top trending recording artists within the next 2 years. In addition to expanding the Tri Tower’s brand with commercial endorsements and various umbrellas.